Mar 23, 2023Liked by Christopher Jolma

"I think that for a lot of us, we jump back and forth between the paths. That was certainly me, and that nearly led to a dark, nihilistic place that, far from being relief from the striving, was actually more exhausting to maintain." This resonates with me a lot. I definitely lean toward the passive side of Christianity, but I also can't help but think maybe we are supposed to be more militant. There was a period of time where I saw how militant Muslims are about their faith. They really take no s***. "Well, if my faith is true, and their's isn't, why aren't I responding to attacks just as hard as they do?" That was thankfully short lived, but definitely took me to a nihilistic place - one that cost me a few friends because of my new found asshatery.

"Deus Vulting across the Twitterverse" I am VERY stealing that one!

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Moderately buttered broccoli! You're a hoot! This I pray: Come, Lord Jesus, come but first let me get out of my own way!

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